SUCCESSFUL CHRISTMAS Perhaps the secret of a successful Christmas gift is poverty. A tiny remembrance to one who is or feels neglected may be more valuable than pure gold or diamonds to one who already has too much. For real joy this Christmas, fill a need, run an errand or take for a ride someone who can not drive, smile & say hello, touch someone who seems untouchable, visit or invite for a meal (breakfast can be simple) someone who is or feels lonely and neglected. If you give a gift, give something of yourself, to fill a need, or to expand horizons. If you send cards, write a note & send to someone whose mailbox is empty. Write a note to tell someone how much they have helped you when you needed a lift. For those who cannot see well enough to read, a pressed flower, pretty picture, scrap of cloth for something you are making, a dried leaf, or a pretty hankie can provide joy during lonely hours. Remember that even those who have enough money to buy anything they want are often "poor" in spirit. Written by Vera L. Dean.801